What Makes a Person Turn Their Back on God?

Untitled design (38)If I were to ask several people their thoughts on God, there would no doubt be various opinions, ideas and comments.

While this can be a sticky subject for some, I can share my experience as it relates to the need I had then and still do for God.
My reason for asking the Lord into my life, had more to do with me walking around as a living man outwardly but a dying man inwardly.
An internal emptiness that no earthly panacea could fill.
While this of course isn’t everyone’s case, mine came through my religious experience. I found that what I did religiously translated different practically. This means religion and church was what I did, but what I lived was who I really was.
Today we would call this a hypocrite. I don’t say that putting myself down. I thought I was a good person comparatively speaking, however that was not enough.
I would feel good about what I did religiously but once the religious practice concluded, the more “relaxed version” of myself picked up. The projection vs the actual.
I came into a different understanding between 2004 and 2005. It was when I saw the effectiveness of my service being connected to the purity of my life.
This meant that my motives were more important than “the
good” I’d done.
The reason behind the actions became the priority of my focus. Was it purely for their need or my notoriety? I had to check my intentions for that.
I went through a season of untidiness. Tidiness is key. Order, arrangement, alignment in ones life is essential.
In that season of untidiness I had to learn to “cross my t’s” and “dot my i’s. ”Learn the importance of living by principle, not governed by emotions. That life needed personal government, internal management, personal responsibility and accountability in order to work successfully.
While these things continue to be a work in progress, to have the awareness of what’s needed and the committed heart to see to it being done.
While this may seem like a lot, it really isn’t. When you believe there is a better, more complete version of yourself you’re eager to participate in the process.
God really IS good, whether you know Him or not. God is good whether you believe in Him or not. God is good whether you understand Him or not. God is good whether you are a follower or not. God is good whether you have a good past or bad past.
With a God that good it makes me wonder…
What makes anyone turn their back on a God so good?