
blackwomanA lot of people I know are facing fear, facing uncertainty. This happens when outcomes weigh in the balance that have yet to be determined. That’s understandable. But did you know that 80% of the things we worry about don’t happen?

I get it, you say; ‘it’s not the 80% I’m worried about Kelvin, it’s the 20%! Listen, there is a cure if you find yourself even in the 20% too. It’s called the grace and mercy of God.

Many don’t realize the grace and mercy of God extended to those in need, it’s designed to show them the goodness of God who feel they don’t deserve His grace and mercy, and yet need it.

One definition for grace is God’s unmerited favor. Extending something to us that we need but don’t deserve.

Why would God do that for you or me? I’m not a 100% sure, but I believe because He’s destined us for something greater than what we’re experiencing now.

Titus 2:11-NIV says; “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people,” this means that God offered “rescue” or salvation to the one in need or trouble.

One of the myths about God is that He’s angry with people who don’t follow Him.

I believe people don’t follow God because they generally don’t KNOW Him, or perhaps He hasn’t been properly introduced to them. People have been familiarized with institutional church, and formalized religion, not God. Others don’t like the version introduced to them, as it’s not congruent in the lives of those declaring Him.

The pageantry of religion is not God, it’s what men have deemed as the route and manner to God. I’m not criticizing, it’s just that when you think like that, getting to God is too lofty and unattainable.

He wants people to know He’s proximate Psalms 145:18-NIV.

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Romans 3:23-NKJV, myself included, but I took my brokenness and fractured-ness to God and He gave me a new identity and a fresh start. Man, I jumped on it because I needed it!

He forgave my past, NOT forgotten it, but healed me from it and no longer charged me with it.

It’s the only way I see at having a shot at peace and wholeness in this life. You may say; ‘I’ve been too bad, God would never forgive me.’ Let God determine that.

Others would say; ‘how would I know if God had forgiven me’? The way your natural birth certificate was recorded and registered for you as a new citizen in the city of your birth.

As a baby you were not in the knowledge of a certificate, but it was evidenced of your birth certificate that your birth did take place. As a believers our certificate of new birth is registered in heaven Job 16:19-KJV   Luke 10:20 -KJV

Salvation was secured for you and I, will we receive it?
Once we see our sinful condition, and how we’ve broken the commandments of God, we realize we need help from this spiritual quagmire.

Being a good person can’t save us, because being a “good person” didn’t keep us from breaking God’s law. Being a good person is usually compared to others, but God says; ‘your goodness is compared to ME, not others’

God sent His only Son, Jesus to die for our sins past, present, and future.

If you’re ready, pray this with me;

“God I’m in need of a savior, I’m a sinner, right now in my present spiritual state, I’m lost without you based on your law, not my conclusions. I accept Jesus your Son as the One who took the penalty for my past, present and future sins. I now ask Him to forgive me for my sins (list the ones in your mind you can recall and ask God to forgive you for them)I pray you wash these sins and memories from my life.
(Now say); I accept Jesus God’s Son into my life forever! Jesus, help me to grow, mature and thrive in you and by your example in the Bible. Thank you for forgiving me and liberating me from my past. I receive my new life now in Jesus name”

If you believed that from your heart these words to simply guide you… you are a new creation in Christ according to 2 Corinthians 5:17.

It not a religion, it a relationship going forward. Write me and tell me about your experience or questions at: Kelvin@anablepsis.com