Most Things We Worry About Never Happens

sun wheatOn days when you’re low, feeling down, despondent or even anxious, did you know that 80% of things we worry about never happens?

Life is a cavalcade of episodes and experiences that come to teach us, build us, and to give us knowledge, into becoming mature and established humans.

Hard times usually accomplishes this, disappointment usually achieves it, but the benefits from them aren’t seen initially but over time. How we see circumstances is one thing, what we understand about them and the benefits as a result is another. Some of our ways and practices reach their end, to transition us into a more preferable and fruitful way of being. This change may come voluntarily or involuntarily but it rescues us from the part of ourselves we’re blinded to that may cause harm to ourselves or others and threaten our future.

The detours, change of direction don’t abort the goal but often times ensures it, protects it. This change of direction neither diminishes our value or worth as a person but reveals it over time. To me humility is preferred  more than humiliation, the first is my choice, the second is a result of NOT choosing to do the first.

Let wisdom through the challenges of our time teach us and lead us into a more balanced and improved version of who God has called and designed us to be.

Let God complete the work in progress presently in your life and the positive results He wants to bring to fruition .

