Welcome Back Kelvin!

Kelvin Chambliss

Photo Credit: Brenda Chambliss

Hey everybody I needed some time away from writing. But I’m back and will seek to post every three days or so again.

My oh my, our world seems to be changing at record speed. The ability to adapt and transition as required can bring stress and discomfort.
We are not only changing as an over all society we are changing as individuals inside in these changes as well. Do you like what you see in yourself so far?
Has this pandemic shifted your values about what truly is important in life or has it solidified resident values even more?
In any case, in these unprecedented times there is something required of each of us still. We can still…
Be respectful and thoughtful of each other. To remember that we have more in common than we do apart. To be of service in ways that are needed in the spirit of selflessness.
It is still incumbent upon us to initiate and show the best in human beings in society, keeping an ember of hope aglow even in the darkest of times.
Our world remains a better place to live when we insist on it; when leading by example of conduct that heals and not divides, builds and not tears down, loves and not hates.