Happy New You!

Photo Credit: Brenda Chambliss

Welcome to 2024! Is it me or did the past 12 months seem to fly by? 

As 2024 is now a reality, have you asked yourself (before now) ‘how will I show up in 2024, what will be different this year than in prior ones’?

Here’s a burning question for the ages; Have you discovered your life’s purpose? 

It may or may not be found in what you do or have done for a living. My guess, is that you’ve been living it out for years without knowing it. You may not see it as a purposeful assignment; perhaps you’ve brushed it aside. 

Have you noticed how and where you positively affect things around you? I believe it’s there, maybe not as visible because you do it fluidly without thinking and could relegate it as just part of your human makeup or personality.

Some have discovered their purpose in life but have yet to put it to use. Well, I’m standing here in 2024 to remind you it’s not too late. 

Look for clues: 

What things are improved after your input?
Do you find yourself effortlessly solving problems?
Do you have a knack for being creative? Making something from nothing, or causing something to be more serviceable than before?
Do you communicate in a way where you are heard and understood clearly and others are motivated by what they hear coming from you?
Do you have compassion for the less fortunate and disadvantaged?  

Let me encourage you to take note of things you do excellently with little or no effort, these may be tools for your assignment in the purpose of your life.

If you’re reading this post, there is still time to discover your purpose. Once you identify and acknowledge it, you can begin putting it to good use, regardless of how much time you have left.  

Grant it, some of us need to get on with it more than others because the clock is ticking and we don’t have as many New Year’s left than others, however we have now and we have today. Don’t let what you’ve done already, your age, your status in life whether good or bad define what could be ahead.

I pray you discover your assignment this year. I pray you improve on your assignment this year. I pray you bring a better and more complete YOU to the assignment.

Happy New Year, and Happy New YOU!
