

I’m grateful my Mother is still with my siblings and I today. You may be celebrating memories of your Mom, or like me blessed to still have her here to call and say; ‘I love and appreciate you’.
The first Mother’s Day was May 9th 1914 where President Woodrow Wilson said; “Think of all the work that mothers do in raising their children. Mothers need to be celebrated!” He asked Americans on that day to give a public “thank you” to their mothers and all mothers.
Well Mr. Wilson, a lot has changed since your proclamation back in May 1914. While we still celebrate Mother’s Day on the 2nd Sunday of May, circumstances are different these days for various families.
As I stand in gratitude for a great Mother in my life, I realize this isn’t the case for every family.
Times have changed, the architecture of family has changed. All Mothers aren’t “raising children” as they use to because some have taken on a different function in the home. Today, Mothers are breadwinners, ceos, career women, single parents, their role and responsibilities in their home has changed. Today, some Fathers are home raising children, nannys are, Grandmothers are, some institutions are.
Not everyone looks fondly on the thought of Mother. In some cases it’s a painful memory not because of loss, but because of what was not experienced. For whatever reason, the relationship wasn’t a nurturing one but an existence filled with aggression, anger, resentment, hostility.
There are Mothers today, alive, but separated from their families as a result of prison.
Some Mothers who never met their children because they died giving birth. Mothers with addictions, Mothers with mental health issues. Mothers who forsook their responsibility for others to pick up.
Others were snatched away by heart attacks or other medical issues, car accidents, some died in weather storms, by murder, natural causes. There were Mothers who left slowly and painfully, others who left reluctantly because they were called home.
Today, there is heartache in some cases we respect that. Another perspective is a meaningless day because of your memories, we accept that. Others, are thankful for another year with their Mother, we are grateful for that.
In any case, whatever your memory or impediment over Mother. One day, a woman gave birth to you, and risked her life to deliver you here.
So in EVERY case, because YOUR’E HERE, we honor her deed.