The idea of mortality and growing older has never been more eye opening than these days. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not uptight about it, I just have come to accept that I’m not a “spring chicken” anymore. So whether I prefer to broach the subject of “aging”(as some would prefer to say it) The signs are there, even though I need bifocals to read them.
When I look back, my body has been setting off alarms over the years. It happened more notably between the ages of 35-40. You might be able to relate to this happening at some point in your life as well.
You know how it goes, a little pain here, a little soreness there, tingling in the fingertips every so often you notice steps and strides slowing down, bit by bit becoming more winded sooner. These were gradual alarms I sometimes ignored over the years.
You may say; ‘awe Kelvin, you just were a little out of shape, nothing a little exercise couldn’t fix.’ True, but somewhere in the back of my mind, while getting older, I realized what I was conceding in all of it, one fleeting thing ….. My Youth. LOL!
Seriously though, I really want to encourage you with this post (as I encourage myself!) Don’t let anyone count you out because of growing older, we all will get off this “ferris wheel of life” sooner or later, as we only get one trip around on it.
The reality is, you and I have learned some things while living here on this spinning planet. We have experience. We’ve overcome hardships, we have overcome setbacks, disappointments, some experiencing betrayal, death, sorrow and any number of losses but we are still here! Some may still find themselves living in the crucible of difficulty.
I’ve determined not to let my climbing age be an impediment, but an asset. Our true value comes from the inside, particularly if we know the Lord.
He brings wisdom, understanding, and perspective that is above the limitations, coming from human wisdom, helping us to navigate through life.
At times, I can recall receiving divine solutions that I knew couldn’t have come from me! It was helping in a subtle but faithful way. It was too brilliant to have come from my own mind. It was the guiding path coming from a loving Father.
Aging is a part of life, so why let it rob you from living a quality life now? We still have value, we have wisdom from experience. We’ve gained understanding that comes over time, memorable pain, this shouldn’t be discarded ….It has helped to shape who we are today. Don’t forget to share this wisdom with those willing to listen and that may find benefit from it. What if they avoid a pitfall?
So enjoy growing older, laugh while you do it, laugh at yourself, have fun in these years we have left.
Today is a gift, tomorrow isn’t promised.