John Chapter 9

Divine Stimulus In the Bible, John Chapter 9 is recorded a story of a man who was born blind.

His name wasn’t give, his family financial status wasn’t mentioned, but his affliction was; born blind. We are all blind to something whether it is particulars about tomorrow, or the end of COVID-19 Coronavirus.

In this case the disciples asked Jesus why he was born that way, was it his sin or his parents sin?

Jesus said neither, just so God’s work would be seen through his life. Sometimes in the mind; there has to be a logical connection as to why things are the way they are. It somehow satisfies the curiosity to attached a bad result to bad behavior, but in this case it was different. This man was born blind for this defining moment in Jesus’ ministry.

The thing that amazes me about this story was how the religious leaders of that day chose to discredit the miracle of Jesus. I would think such a miracle of recovery of of sight would garner praise not criticism of Jesus. Herein lies my disappointment with the religious leaders of that day.

Those religious pundits had time to heal this man, and all while he was blind never seemed moved to do it. Frankly, I doubt if they possessed the power to do so, had they, I can’t find a reason for them not to have bought their ability to public notoriety.

As the Bible story has it John Chapter 9. There is a series of questions the man is asked about how he regained his sight. No matter what answer was given it never satisfied the critics. They went to his parents to see if he was actually born blind and if they knew who healed him.

One of the many messages in this story for me is how new found sight can be a problem publicly as your blindness was personally…the good news in verse 36 is when you’re thrown out of the temple, is when Jesus looks for you because in certain places, He was too…who better to relate?
