A man was driving his shiny convertible sports car one clear sunny afternoon on a beautiful stretch of a highway. After some time he came to a winding road that had been cut out through a mountain having two lanes, each going opposite directions. This road would eventually take the driver higher and higher with occasional dips and curves on the beautiful scenic route.
The driver would eventually come to a curve sharper than he’d anticipated and while trying to decline in speed without losing control of the vehicle, and as if that were not enough he found himself quickly having to avoid a huge boulder in the center of the road blocking his lane, in the short distance ahead.
In an effort to circumvent it, he reflexively switched lanes into the oncoming traffic lane, where thankfully no one was heading however; on that side of the two lanes were no guardrails to protect cars from toppling over the cliffside.
The driver swerved the car just missing the stone back into his proper lane, only to lose control careening his vehicle into the mountainside, ejecting him from his convertible to the opposite lane over the cliff. He found himself mercifully stuck suspended over the cliffside.
The one thing keeping him from the endless plunge below was a lone but large branch protruding from the cliff of the mountain which snagged him by the shirt from the fall.
While somehow managing to wrap his hands around the strong branch, he remained suspended between the unimaginable drop below and the 10 feet overhead that would be his way back to safety. While understandably holding on for dear life, the driver yelled out in desperation above; ‘is anyone up there?’ There was no answer. Again he yelled; ‘Help! is anyone up there’? Again, no answer. A third cry was to no avail.
After a few minutes which seemed like an eternity of being suspended between life and death, with arms and hands losing strength, he screams out in earnest one last time; ‘is someone, anybody up there’!? In seconds he finally hears a voice but seeing no one replied ‘yes, I’m here’. The man still gripping the branch “white knuckled” by now, found relief in at least gaining some one’s attention hollers back; ‘please, will you help me?’ He hears a reply again, ‘Sure, I’ll help you, do you trust me’?
Frustrated by such an unrelated and parochial question in that dire moment, the driver yells back ‘yes! yes! I trust you, please help me!’ The voice came back; ‘if you trust me, let go of the branch’. The man hesitates for a moment, looks down at the impossible drop, looks back up and humbly asks; ‘is there anyone else up there’???
This parable describes the human condition as it relates to faith. Faith is a result of absolute confidence and trust. This may even apply to the faith we have or may not have in God. Sometimes our need for Him is never more seen than when things are out of our control.
At times our fear seeks a second opinion, (hence the driver’s plea; ‘is there anyone else up there?’) It’s when we hear, but don’t see our present help, we ask; ‘is there anyone else with a more reasonable solution to my dire circumstance other than letting go?’
Abandoning our fear isn’t easy, particularly when facing uncertainty. Holding grudges, gripping to painful memories and unforgiveness will only allow fear to remain stationary in our lives. We work overtime to ensure that the negative deeds done to us, even words spoken over our lives will never come to hurt us again. Whether these words were spoken in passing or in jest. Maybe it’s time to let go of the branch. Holding on only wears us out. When we let go, we find the miracle of God’s hand present to rescue and even heal us. Letting go is to receive God’s loving care.
May this new year make us stronger in our faith, bring healing from the past, and confidence for the future.