Divine Stimulus

IMG_8581Here in the U.S. millions of Americans are expected to receive “stimulus checks”. Some folks received their checks nearly a week ago.

A stimulus check is a check sent to a taxpayer by the U.S. government. Stimulus checks are intended to stimulate the economy by providing consumers with some spending money. When taxpayers spend this money, it will boost consumption and drive revenues at retailers and manufacturers and, thus, spur the economy.

The U.S. took tremendous financial hits with businesses, in the markets, restaurants, and many other things to cripple the economy during this Covid 19 pandemic. Some owners sadly admitting, their business’s will never recover. While I hope that isn’t true, so much is unpredictable now.

How much will this stimulus help the economy? How much will it help people over the long haul? Don’t get me wrong, it’s a helpful gesture by our government anyway you look at it. Here’s my point.

Things are still shaking, we are not out of the woods yet. While many are eager to reopen the country and get the economy resuscitated, things are still dire from a coronavirus and economic standpoint. There are those that have strong opinions about what should be done. There are political positions on it, healthcare positions on it, business and economy pundits on it. While there can be serious hypothesis and healthy conversations volleying back and forth, and afterwards are no more closer to solutions.

I’m suggesting, we listen for God. Sounds religious huh?

I’m not speaking from a religious perspective but from God as a Creator. Yes, God the creator of heaven and earth, God the creator of you and I. God, the originator of all things. God, the One who knows where COVID-19 actually came from and the complete properties it’s made of AND the cure. God the One who knows what tomorrow holds, and the day we will close our eyes for the last time.

Until we listen to, and inquire from the One who knows all things past, present, and future, we are “straining at gnats.” (Matthew 23:24) We are trying to cover cancer with a band-aid. But we must come humble enough, open enough, less skeptical enough…and trusting enough.

The kind of stimulus we need, is one that doesn’t spend, but one that replenishes our hearts with resilience and gives us true perspective and hope. A divine stimulus. A talk with God to get answers we don’t have for a future we can’t see.




It’s important to know there is hope.

Untitled design (35)Many are feeling the pressure and stress of these times. Loss of jobs, closing of businesses, people unable to make ends meet. Schools closing, parents are asked to become tutors and oversee remote education via internet. New and uncomfortable norms are emerging for children and parents.

Abuse has risen on children, husband and wives abusing each other in some cases, turmoil has seemed to have crept in, invaded and seized families under pressure. Without it being anyone’s fault plenty of blame is passed around, as though passing blame is the ultimate gratification.

We are seeing in this season problems reaching all tiers of class, economy, gender, race, and culture. There are perplexities in all levels of life. What are the answers to help lift and alleviate these changes in life?

It’s important to know there is hope.

The hope I’m referring to can’t be in a vulnerable economy that can easily be neutralized over time by a pandemic. No, we need something impervious to viruses, plagues, or anything other thing that makes vulnerable a people and an economy.

We need something stronger than the security of a good job that can be taken away for any reason. Many things we trust in are unstable, but we give our faith to theses unsecured and unstable things, often without other known options, so we press on and hope for the best .

We all believe and disbelieve in something. What if there was something no, even better, SOMEONE to trust and put our confidence in who won’t fail us.

Nope. Not offering religion. Not offering pie in the sky, no guarantees. I’m not offering anything unreasonable. People have problems without religion. People go through difficulties without God, so He can’t be the reason for not accepting His help.

Some believe God is angry with them, He’s unforgiving and disapproves what they’ve done to the extent He wouldn’t want to hear a word they uttered. These are all false.

Here’s what I’m offering, only if you believe in the existence of God. Go to God and just talk. It may be that you don’t know the formality, you may not know the protocol, here is the good news, it doesn’t matter.

Just ask God if He’s real to prove Himself to you. Give it time. Don’t have a preconceived expectation. Let Him reveal Himself, when He wants, the WAY He wants. God can speak for Himself. Be patient. It will be worth it.

Ask Him about your situation and what you should do, invite Him to help you. God is able to speak to you in a manner and language you understand. If you try this and give it time. If you approach God humbly without argument and skepticism, you just might be surprised. Try it… then listen.



A New Normal is Imminent

Kelvin CMy wife Brenda and I were waiting in line outside at our favorite food market for groceries the other day and it felt like life changed in an instant, as our norms were cut off. This is the same store we were able to walk into freely without restriction just a few months ago, now we are met with orange cones spaced 6 feet apart in single file.
People in line were calm and orderly, what really changed? No one seemed impatient in line, little to no talking, those who spoke, did so in a almost quiet respectful way. It was like a “hush” in the atmosphere.
This silent infector and killer COVID-19 has put something on our minds. It’s slowed us down a bit, and given us reason to think. It was hard to stand in the line without thinking about why we were going through this change.
People have died, gotten sick, many have contracted Coronavirus without knowing they have the virus. (A Symptomatic). The masks remind us, the gloves remind us, the silence reminds us, the quarantine remind us, the empty streets, the closed businesses remind us, that normal for us has vanished, and a different life has emerged.
The new normal is imminent, we get glimpses of it but we don’t really know what it will look like in full affect. If I was to base the outcome our future today on a grocery line experience, I believe life would be better different beyond the pandemic.

The Peace of God is found in the Presence of God

You may be asking today, ‘where is the silver lining?’
Untitled design (7)
There is one. The Peace of God is indeed the silver lining amid these dark and challenging days. The good news is that we don’t need to wait to receive it. It is found in the presence of God.

Before Jesus left and went to His Father, He left us His peace John 14:27. This peace is given by God independent of the fray we sometimes live in. If we are opened to it, God seeks to reside with us in our pain, emptiness and gloom. He is able to provide stability inside the stress and deliver peace inside the chaos. How does God accomplish it? His presence alone.
The scriptures are replete with episodes in Jesus’ life where He brought peace to His Disciples, often encouraging them to fear not upon His arrival meeting them whether land or sea. His Word and presence bought the disciples peace.
By inviting the Lord Jesus into our space, that part of us it seems no possible word could impact or help or even matter, when we’re up against it. There are times we’re so despondent refusing to be comforted. Things are seemingly so difficult, we won’t allow ourselves even to be rescued.
The quality of Peace like this, passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7) which means its beyond human comprehension why we are so peaceful.
This peace affords us comfort and strength that could only be received from the “Prince of Peace” Isaiah 9:6.
So when we pray, and sincerely ask God NOT to change the problem (and I know it sounds ridiculous and unconventional), and NOT to change conditions but asking Him to enter the conditions with us.
Psalms 16:11
This is the peace I invite us to receive today. It was designed for us. It’s available to us.
It begins with…’Lord, I need you’.

What’s important?

Life and PeaceWhat’s important? Housing, Food, Clothing correct? How about life?

Without life there would be no need for housing, without life, there would be no need for food, without a living body no need for clothes.

It’s a LIFE that makes all these things necessary, not the other way around. May we never sacrifice what is important for what’s MOST important.

What’s most important is not just having life and living it, but living the life we’ve been given, on behalf of The One who gave His life for us.

Matt 6:25-34


COVID-19 is a Revealer

copy-MB-COVID19.jpgIn case you haven’t noticed, since COVID-19 Coronavirus hit the earth, things are being revealed.
The first revelation to me are the varied “experts” on COVID-19 who aren’t medical professionals or scientists, in fact are people who don’t even practice medicine who offer medical advice.
I respect and appreciate those who have studied and given their time and lives to research and study on these matters we face today. They are the ones I give my attention to, when they inform and warn us, I consider what they have to say.
An yet, with what we face today, some things are beyond what many of them can even understand.
But there are things around COVID-19 we can certainly see, note and discuss.
One of the things I’ve seen in my own life since this pandemic, is learning to guard my daily news intake. Coronavirus is infecting and removing people from the planet, that can’t and shouldn’t be ignored. They are people, not numbers. But we all process differently. I believe in a balance of the practical and the spiritual.
Since the quarantine, I’m now a temporary “homebody homeboy.”
Don’t get me wrong, I love going to the ocean and enjoying the scenery, people watching, sampling restaurants, going to museums etc, but I’m finding God in the places He requires me to be, these days that’s home! By the way, my wife Brenda said, “Yes, God does make house calls”.
Another thing revealed has been folks unwilling to shift into crisis mode. This is a serious pandemic, and there are those still those unwilling to either accept the times we are in or believe breaking laws will make it go away. One such local paddle boarder got a revelation the hard way, while on the ocean after signs prohibiting access to the ocean were posted. The police were NOT having it, he was arrested.
Change can be hard, but noncompliance even harder. These times are uncomfortable, these days are perilous, but we must hope in God.
When you belong to Him you don’t see the times the same way others do in fact, you were expect them to go haywire, especially when a nation or even nations stray from God.
Elijah went to the king (Ahab) in his day, and warned Him in (1 Kings 17:1) heaven would be closed and no rain until he (Elijah)said so…
He actually predicted the crisis!
Imagine that, your first assignment as one of God’s spokesperson’s, is to tell the king his country will be cursed with drought. Elijah knew he could predict that outcome because God’s people were led away to serve idols instead of the true and living God, and Elijah was clear this was prohibited (Deuteronomy 11:16-17)
This act affected the whole nation. Who knew? People were complaining about a problem (drought) that wouldn’t be solved by complaining about it… but who was giving attention to the God holding the grievance???
We are in a similar place ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters. All of our norms are dissipating, it’s not time to fear its time to return to the Lord.
Some are praying for their churches to open again, others their business’s to open again, still others for their favorite coffee spot to open again but that is not what God is calling prayer, in this season.
This prayer is one of returning without the knowledge of ever having gone.
God is speaking in this time to let us know what a Country artist penned years ago, … “the whiskey ain’t workin anymore”, in other words, what we showed God before in tears alone is now requiring something more substantive than before, more sincere, God wants us, not just our attention! A complete heart, a full return back to Him. Join me in asking God what is His pleasure in this season. He has the answers we seek.
We won’t be able to paddle board ourselves away from this one.


rocks oceanLUKE 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He hath anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; NKJV


