
Kelvin ChamblissGratitude is defined as the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

At times things we are accustomed to that are beneficial to us, if we’re not careful can go unacknowledged, and it’s not always because it’s taken for granted. Gratitude should be deliberate, and born out of a realization.
It can be simple for gratitude to allude us as, vital, stable, consistent things we depend on carry us almost without thought.
An example of this is seen in the ability to dress ourselves. It’s not until a necessary part of our body hurts as we dress or becomes
incapacitated and incapable of functioning as normal, that it’s importance magnified.
I invite you to join me in naming on your own just a few things you are gratefully aware of today. And these may sometimes include bitter circumstances and hard places…they count also, as they make and develop us in essential ways.