Instructions for Life

boy instructions bibleOne definition of Ethics is: moral principles (right and wrong) that govern a person’s behavior.
I remember being taught ethics in school. Imagine that, a school that taught and encouraged moral principles. If ethics wasn’t important, then, why was this class offered in the first place?
I believe without ethical standards, our personal discretion and judgement becomes the standard. Many see life through the lens of their own experiences, family upbringing, teaching and cultural norms.
The need for one single standard becomes necessary for everyone to subscribe to. If personal preferences persist, then order and peace are sacrificed in the larger society.
Human life without personal governance might sound liberating to some, but sorrows have filled the lives of many without it.
What happened to the days of “please,“ “thank you,” men holding the door open for a women.
“Yes Ma’am,” “No Sir”?
Call me old fashioned but you can’t beat good O’l common courtesy and respect, and no, chivalry is not dead.
These are some of the things that made our society more outward focused, for instance, not just being neighbors, but being “neighborly.” Seeing about one another, checking on each other’s well being, BEFORE it was considered being nosey.
Some from another generation may read this and wonder, what’s this guy talking about? Yes, there was an actual time when courtesy and respectful language was more prevalent than cussing.
While ethics seems to have been smothered out of society, there are core values and ethics from the Word of God the Bible that still have an positive and lasting affect on a humans thoughts and conscience.
In God’s Word there are cures for social ills, help with personal government, wisdom, patience, fruitfulness, marriage advice, just a cornucopia of good things for the outer (body) internal emotions (soul) mind (spirit).
Implementing the truths of the Word of God (Bible) syringing it (a little at a time) into one’s life can bring enlightenment peace and joy over time.
The Bible for me is more of an instructional book than a religious book. Proverbs has more wisdom in it than any one person could ever hope for. Its written in a format as a father speaking to his son.
I’m not a big advocate for walking forward and looking back however, I do believe that some architecture of the past can help insulate our hearts in these times of uncertainty.
Jeremiah the 6th Chapter and the 16th verse, spoke to some of the challenges of his day, and the resistance he was met with as a result…”
This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’ Jer 6:16