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In the days we are living in, we need a balance of caution and hope. Caution in discerning and staying current amid the changes we are experiencing daily, and in some cases hourly.
Is it me or has the speed of life ramped up?
Hope in the resilience of a people born from and in some cases within adversity.
It appears this pandemic has caused a universal problem. Business owners are in the same quandary as their employees. Athletes, entertainers, news anchors, are all cautious of COVID-19.
This virus has caused many families to be home at the same time with business’ closed, schools closed, no daycare, this isn’t what people expected. Many more scenarios you are far too familiar with, because you’re living them.
There are questions yet taking shape even while medical and health professionals seek answers about the magnitude we’re facing in COVID-19.
If scientist and doctors eventually come up with the panacea and treatment for this virus, are we really cleared? There are those who clamor and insist on rapidly returning to business as usual, life as we’ve known it. I’m not a prognosticator, but the signs I read don’t point to it.
Here’s one example one of irreversible history. There was a time families were free to meet and greet their loved ones at the terminal gate and when that loved one would arrive, some would receive the equivalent of a “hero’s welcome” at the gate. While there are some exceptions for children and other non-prohibited circumstances, we will never see the “good old days” again.
So what if there was more to see beyond the inconveniences of a shutdown due to the outbreak of COVID-19? What if there was more for me to answer on a human level, like how I respect and treat my neighbor? Has this pause in the action caused me to access personal responsibility, and how well or poorly I’ve been at it? When was the last time I concerned myself with an injustice that didn’t benefit me in the long run? How do I treat this garden we call earth?
These are my own personal musings and questions to myself. Because if we have the time and don’t, we may live to see a day we wish we did.
So I invite you to relax from the deluge of news and reports and spend time in solitude and reflection.
A wise king in Ecclesiastes 7:14 left us with some words that may apply well to our times today.
“Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. Remember that nothing is certain in this life”. -NLT
