The Peace of God is found in the Presence of God

You may be asking today, ‘where is the silver lining?’
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There is one. The Peace of God is indeed the silver lining amid these dark and challenging days. The good news is that we don’t need to wait to receive it. It is found in the presence of God.

Before Jesus left and went to His Father, He left us His peace John 14:27. This peace is given by God independent of the fray we sometimes live in. If we are opened to it, God seeks to reside with us in our pain, emptiness and gloom. He is able to provide stability inside the stress and deliver peace inside the chaos. How does God accomplish it? His presence alone.
The scriptures are replete with episodes in Jesus’ life where He brought peace to His Disciples, often encouraging them to fear not upon His arrival meeting them whether land or sea. His Word and presence bought the disciples peace.
By inviting the Lord Jesus into our space, that part of us it seems no possible word could impact or help or even matter, when we’re up against it. There are times we’re so despondent refusing to be comforted. Things are seemingly so difficult, we won’t allow ourselves even to be rescued.
The quality of Peace like this, passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7) which means its beyond human comprehension why we are so peaceful.
This peace affords us comfort and strength that could only be received from the “Prince of Peace” Isaiah 9:6.
So when we pray, and sincerely ask God NOT to change the problem (and I know it sounds ridiculous and unconventional), and NOT to change conditions but asking Him to enter the conditions with us.
Psalms 16:11
This is the peace I invite us to receive today. It was designed for us. It’s available to us.
It begins with…’Lord, I need you’.