What’s Ahead?

Untitled design (23)Have you come to terms with the new normal yet? I believe I’m like those of you that are still adjusting. Obviously we don’t know all of the details that the new normal entails, but I want to make sure that my “inner” stays healthy, (heart mind and attitude).
While it is said that nothing is more permanent than change, sometimes we reach a place when we feel; “enough already” as it relates to boredom and redundancy in being locked down.
The human will, is being tested along with the bandwidth of the human mind… sometimes simultaneously.
Being “creatures of habit” play into this as well, sometimes the frustration of laws meant to protect us gets too confining, some feel with these things they’re being pushed too far.
For example; I saw a video of women with their children at the playground. An officer came up and politely told the ladies the park was closed. He was calm, nice and respectful, someone was obviously videoing the scene. He explained why the park was closed.
One mother captured my attention who appeared to be more vocal than the others, more questioning against officer. The camera picked up the woman as she began to go back and forth verbally with the officer. The entire video was about 40 min in length but exchanges were made prior to the recording (the article explained) this particular mother was insistent on going back and forth with the officer. She was displeased with the park being closed.
I realize the aggravation people are feeling as a result of being inside. There is a yearning to return to “normalcy” as we’ve known it.
After several minutes of exchange, the woman voluntarily placed her hands behind her back and the officer handcuffed the her and took her away. An unseen female was heard the video saying; “her children are here”! That saddened me.
A day intended to visit the playground park with her children, is now being arrested by police separated from them away from the park she came to visit, because of a disappointment gone haywire.
Why did the mother take it that far to the point of being arrested?
These are perplexing days. Some people are tired and frustrated, taking this new normal hard because their “inner”is being tested severely.
Perhaps these actions are a cry for intervention…who knows maybe a Divine intervention.